Thursday, March 5, 2009

One-minute plays!

A one-minute play, can you imagine? This is one of the hardest things I've ever written, and believe it or not, it took me a week. I found a great timer on-line, and read and read and re-read the crazy thing until it was perfect. So, tah-dah, my first ONE-MINUTE play, *Clown-O-Phobia*, is available for production. Suitable for one female and one clown, any age.

I also have a ten-minute play finished, titled *High Fashion*. It started out as a personal essay I wrote for the Erma Bombeck Humor Writing Contest, that ALAS, I did not win. Pooh. Anywho, it turned into a play. Suitable for two women of any age, color, size or shape! LOL.

I love writing these short plays. Want more info.? E-mail me!

Oh, did I mention that these are comedies? LOL!!

bobbi c.


Theresa Taylor Bayer said...

Hi Bobbi! How do you produce a one minute Play? Sounds like fun however you do it.

Guess what...I'm TAGGING you!

If you want to play along, this means you tell 5 trivia facts about yourself, and tag 5 other people. or if you don't want to play along, you can just write back PFFFT! to me.

Bobbi A. Chukran, Author said...

Hey Theresa,

Just found this, two days later! LOL. Sorry.

PFFFT! for now. LOL

bobbi c.